Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cake Wrecks

Re: “Dead Pan” by Gayle Trent

Author Gayle Trent told me about this blog called
"Cake Wrecks".

The blog owner Jen says that “a cake wreck is not necessarily a poorly made cake, it can be any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy or inappropriate”. Check out some of them on her blog. Some bakers are quite imaginative and creative!

I like this one. I think they are missing a word:

(photo courtesy

I don’t think Daphne’s cakes will find their way onto this site. Her cakes sound absolutely scrumptious!

(Stay tuned for more posts on this book).


Librarian said...

Well... maybe it is not a word missing but a number? It could be "Happy 80th birthday Mom" just as well as "Happy 8th birthday from Mom", couldn't it? :-)

LadyPI said...

I was thinking they left out the word LOVE, like it should have read "Happy 8th Birthday, LOVE Mom". But yes, the ideas you had would work well to.

I guess we won't know what wording they intended to have on that cake. I'm sure it tasted good though!

Librarian said...

You are right, we will probably never find out and it will go down as one of the great unsolved mysteries of humankind! :-)

Not so sure about the good taste of this particular cake - I am very much a chocolate person and this cake looks decidedly un-chocolaty...

Cindy Harris said...

I have so enjoyed reading your blog and have added the books to my future reading list.

If the winter weather keeps up (have been snowed in--with drifted shut roads a few times) I should have time to read all the books I want to.

LadyPI said...

Hi Cyn - I'm glad you enjoy my blog. It's hard to blog about books and not be a 'spoiler'. I try to keep it entertaining.

I also have many books on my list that I'd like to read. Someday!